I worked in several fitness gyms, which differ in their size, level of service and manufacturers of simulators. Being a man of observation, I could not help noticing mistakes and shortcomings that committed during fitness, trying to improve their bodies.
Fitness and solitude
Paradoxical as it may sound, I came to the conclusion that it is best to go to the gym alone. The company is only good at first, when you just master the sport space. Very often, friends distracted by conversations, thereby taking account (which is an important factor for success in the sport) to focus on the exercises. There will always be something to discuss, and sometimes it's so interesting that just forget why you came to the gym.
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by ClubSport Fremont |
The right psychological mood
Go to march in the fitness training it is necessary to have a good mood. You start (or continue) a new life that will change your appearance and increase self-esteem. In this case, you can help even the smallest details. For example, you should like the form in which you are engaged. Equally important is the gym - how do you feel yourself in it after a few lessons.
Among my friends were a lot of men and women who, after a couple of months is not particularly intense fitness workouts, not seeing big changes in his shape or well-being, were thrown lessons. In order to achieve tangible results need to show fighting qualities of character. They will be useful to counter the laziness, shyness, skepticism on the part your own mind, and perhaps others.
Determining the purpose
Deciding to attend a fitness club, a good idea to first understand, what you want. Depending on your goal, you can choose aerobics, fitness center, and swimming pool. If your goal - improvement of the figure, increase strength and endurance, welcome to the gym. However, some people who choose weight training, they did not do. They can be seen on the treadmill, stationary bike or stepper. In the truth of my words can be seen by looking at any nearby gym.
Fitness and knowledge
Information - a thing very important and necessary in any case. Fitness - is no exception. Furthermore, from your knowledge in this area depends largely on your success. Very often people neglect theory, relying on their intuition, or read articles in popular magazines. In the meantime, I think, to the transformation of body and spirits really come, you must:
• an elementary acquaintance with the anatomy (location and name of the muscles);
• basic knowledge of nutrition;
• ability to perform the exercise is technically correct;
• awareness of the sports supplements that may help to cool in the struggle to slim and healthy body and a good mood;
• read magazines and books on a suitable topic. This will help you raise a serious attitude and give a lot of useful information.
I can see how many women do torso twists to the side on special simulators, hoping to reduce the size of waist. Meanwhile, there is much safer and effective exercise: side bends with dumbbells.
Preparation of training plan
When you know a lot about your body and how his upbringing, you can begin a plan of training. Do not take a bodybuilding stars based plans - you need an individual program based on the features and capabilities of your body. Every two or three months you have to change it so that the body is not used to the monotonous load. Literature designed to help in this task, is now very much. In it you can find everything you need.
Feel free to do fitness
Even if you've never engaged in sports, do not hesitate to do so at any age. Your desire to change your life deserves nothing but respect. More often remember this, if you feel awkward in the room and uncomfortable.
Review your nutrition
One sport does not give the desired results if you do not comply with a fitness diet, composed on the basis of rational principles, i.e. right nutrition. Include in your diet an additional vitamins and minerals.
Finally, I want to give one tip: a realistic assessment of your capabilities and set realistic goals. Otherwise, you wait for disappointment and frustrations.
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