The weakening of immunity, exacerbation of chronic disease - common side effects are too fast weight loss. Do not set in front of you impossible tasks and not then follow the beauties of fashion magazine! Media always covers only the beautiful side of life, but is silent about the problems. Normal rhythm for weight loss adult is 1 - 2 pounds per week.
Focus on a diet, which recommends a sufficiently large number of fruits, vegetables, and protein-rich meat, fish, dairy products. During the struggle with being overweight do not forget about drinking enough - at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid a day.
Eat regularly: feel free to snack at work or anywhere else in the apple, cup of yogurt, a piece of lettuce - this will allow you to more comfortably endure restrictions related to diet. And take care of the nervous system. Transfer the stress associated with losing weight, calm the nervous system will help normalize the sleep herbs.

It turns out that the desire to eat well in the evening - a normal physiological process. According to doctors, just before going to sleep, our bodies make energy reserves for a possible famine. That's why so many people do not like breakfast, but in the evening have a square meal craving. Evening meal - a kind of instinct, which does not have to fight, but it can be "tamed."
It is necessary to remember that it does not matter when you eat, but what you eat. The fat that is deposited on the body, mainly formed from the fat that we once ate. Proteins and complex carbohydrates are not conducive to weight gain. Therefore, in order not to gain weight in your daily menu should be more lean meat, cottage cheese, vegetables, cereals, pasta.
An hour and a half before going to bed can quite calmly eat a slice of boiled lean meat or fish with vegetables and a slice of the grain (not white wheat!) bread, drink a cup of yogurt (preferably low fat). Just do not drink coffee and juice – they stimulate the production of gastric juices and increases appetite.
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